The party was a success, and Vivienne was very happy and adored -- two things I wanted for her on this special day. We were so lucky to have people from out of town make the drive. Every person in her immediate family was there, and then some! She ate up all the attention, and I'm telling you, I looked at her several times thinking "Who the hell is this child?!" She would pan the crowd every time she would open a gift and then start the applause with a "Yea!". She never once had a meltdown. NOT. ONCE. She had the room in hysterics! She played with her cousin Marley non-stop, and I barely saw her in the beginning part of the party, as she wanted to be with everyone. Unfortunately, since I was participating in the cake smash, I do not have any pictures of it. I'll have to get some from my dad. She loved smashing her cake though, but NOT eating it. Not one bite (which is probably a good thing, because seeing as it was my first time baking a cake, it was ROCK HARD). It was a glorious sunshiny day, and we were finally able to use our backyard that Mitch has been so relentlessly working his butt off on. It wasn't (and isn't) finished, but we didn't care. It's gorgeous! What a great day, celebrating Tootie. All I wanted was for her to feel loved and I think my mission was accomplished...
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