Sunday, November 28, 2010

Fridays with Iz

We've been having some fun times with Izzy and Ellen on Fridays.  Last Friday we decided to let the girls go at it with finger paints while we tried to chat and keep the mess to a manageable amount.  It sorta worked.  It was Izzy's first time with paint, and she was a champ!  In fact, I really like what she did with her piece.  Seriously!  Viv tends to keep her colors separate, while Iz just loved to smash them all together!  Vivi LOVES it when I paint her hands, then she makes her own little hand prints, and screams "eeeeek!" when she lifts up her hands off the paper.  It's her thing.  Izzy picked up on this and started mimicking it as well.  Too cute.  Vivienne is really into using her paintbrush now, where a smaller baby like Izzy loves using her hands and really feeling the paint between her fingers.   Painting is one of those things that is super inexpensive, always very tactile, and it really doesn't matter how old the baby is, it's always fun and a great activity.  Especially on rainy cold San Francisco days.

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