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bloopers ("on your booty!" was said more than once during our shoot ;) |
You turned 20 months old yesterday and that is a lot of months baby. I apologize for missing your 19 month portraits. Life was hectic I guess. These pictures are not that great - it's getting harder and harder to get a still picture of you, and the light was not in my favor today. Oh well. They can't help but be cute because you are in them.
You're a riot and a nut, kiddo. It's been one of my favorite months with you yet. You are in a MAJOR mommy phase and I can't say it bothers me much. It never, ever gets old when you reach for me in a panic, or say "momma?!" when you wake up and daddy goes in to get you. You've really shown me what a privilege it is to be a mommy little one, your mommy. It is the best feeling in the world. It's a love I can't describe and it just keeps growing the more you become your own little person.
You continue to be a gentle little sweetheart, although you do have your bouts of toddler crankiness. Kissing things and giving love are just the way you are. You're getting super strong and athletic (or so it seems). You love physical activity just as much as you love reading books and watching your Gabba show. This month has been a bit pickier on the eating (olives and pickles have become a common snack around the house). You had a bout of hives that really scared us for a second. They looked so much worse than they actually were, but I will tell you that seeing that kind of thing take over your babies body is not a good time. Other than that, you are growing and thriving and all around an absolute delight. The bits of words and sounds you make get me so excited to hear what kinds of conversations we will have in the future. What will you think about? What will you like and dislike?
It's a very cliche thing to say that all you want for your child is happiness. I'm starting to really think about what that actually means (of course I am, and once you're able to read and understand this note, you will be rolling your eyes right now at me). What does it mean to me that you are happy? I guess for now it just means that I want you to be loved beyond measure -- and to feel loved and accepted and seen by me always. That is my vow to you, sweet girl.
Happy 20 months sweet Tootie. It's getting scarily close to the two year mark! I love you, love you, love you.
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