Thursday, May 31, 2012


I've been starting to think about Viv's 3rd birthday.  THIRD BIRTHDAY.  Even the thought of it makes me get teary eyed and I start to wonder where in the hell the time has gone.  My baby is truly growing up.  Then again, she'll always be my baby.  I never did a birth story like I planned to do and at this point it feels like it was forever ago.  I still may do one. 

Her birth was long and exhilarating, and the most difficult and exhausting thing I have ever endured.  At the end of a 26 hour labor, where most of it was done without the use of drugs, I pushed her from me in less than an hour.  We checked in to the hospital around 2:30 am the previous morning after laboring all night at home, and she wasn't born until 10:10 pm that night.  I'll never forget that feeling as long as I live.  In that moment she changed me.  It feels like yesterday and yet it feels like forever ago.  I remember thinking how clean and pink she looked, and I felt like I had just won the lottery and finished the Ironman at the same time.  This baby I just delivered was actually mine.  Mine!  We were an instant family.  What a beautiful three years it has been...
Still connected.  3 seconds old.
Still in the delivery room.

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