Wednesday, September 7, 2011


Viv and Mamma at the park yesterday.  I love this park for its views of the whole downtown of San Francisco.  Just breathtaking (although I'm not sure V really knows to appreciate it yet).  I'm having so much fun with my Tootie Bootie (as I'm calling her right now).  She got so tall one night last week, I swear Mitch and I were both like "who is this in her crib?"  That's what happens when you turn two I guess!

(V dress by Misha Lulu - one of my favorite lines on Vivi).  Shoes she picked out herself, even though they are too small :)...choose your battles right?

And can I just rant for a second.  I am SO sick and appalled at all of the genderized Halloween costumes out there.  It's HALLOWEEN!  A time to dress up like whatever the hell you want to be no matter your gender!  Last night, when I ordered her Buzz Lightyear costume online, all the sizes came in "Boy 4T", etc.  Same goes for Woody.  Furthermore, anything that wasn't a princess or a fairy had the word BOY costume on it.  And if it was a costume that had nothing to do with gender, let's say a cat, it was drenched in pink and labeled "Girl Toddler Cat costume".  Absolutely ridiculous and I hope people don't buy into this shit.  (excuse the vulgarity, it's the only word that describes my frustration).  I'm gonna say it -- girls can be Buzz, or Woody, or a Firefighter, or a Policeman, or whatever costume they want!  For that matter, what are we telling our girls about what they are supposed to be when they're not dressing up -- when they grow up and join society?  A fairy?  A damn princess?  Our society needs to stop putting labels on children at such a young age, it drives me crazy.  And yes, Cinderella Ate My Daughter is on my Kindle right now and it is mind blowing how the toy industry has labeled little girls (and boys for that matter).  I'm a little passionate about it ;).  Rant over, thanks for hanging in there.  Anyone else see this out there?

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