Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Here comes the rain again...

No, it's not another post about how I'm going through a rough patch.  Ha!  It's actually rain!  Last week's storm captured on video. 


Lightning and Thunder and Hail! Oh my!

Hail in San Francisco.  So cool!

Life With Viv: by Mitch

Last night I was able to steal Mitch's iphone and snag these great photos off of it.  I love seeing our life through his lens.  This last photo really captures his relationship with Vivi.  So sweet...

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Fridays with Iz

We've been having some fun times with Izzy and Ellen on Fridays.  Last Friday we decided to let the girls go at it with finger paints while we tried to chat and keep the mess to a manageable amount.  It sorta worked.  It was Izzy's first time with paint, and she was a champ!  In fact, I really like what she did with her piece.  Seriously!  Viv tends to keep her colors separate, while Iz just loved to smash them all together!  Vivi LOVES it when I paint her hands, then she makes her own little hand prints, and screams "eeeeek!" when she lifts up her hands off the paper.  It's her thing.  Izzy picked up on this and started mimicking it as well.  Too cute.  Vivienne is really into using her paintbrush now, where a smaller baby like Izzy loves using her hands and really feeling the paint between her fingers.   Painting is one of those things that is super inexpensive, always very tactile, and it really doesn't matter how old the baby is, it's always fun and a great activity.  Especially on rainy cold San Francisco days.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving, and the second one celebrated with Vivi.  Holidays are always hard for me -- most of the time I end up depressed and trying to fight off feelings of anxiety and overwhelm.  So instead of focusing on that this time around, I'm really trying to make a concerted effort to see the things that I am thankful for.  It is the season, after all.  Here's a few (ranging from little to large, thanks knows no size right?):
  1.  Shoes.  Today Vivienne got her first pair of kicks.  It has been an epic journey these last few weeks and I have been stressing out way too much for a pair of toddler shoes.  It's just I want her feet to be supported, and for her to be able to run without her ankles caving in, and I NEED to support her arch, and omg it's freezing in SF right now and she needs boots!  See?  Major stress.  Finally I caved in and we went to Brooks, the amazing shoe store that fitted her foot, gave her a balloon, and we tried several pairs on that were an absolute perfect fit for her individual feet.  She has chubby feet, and WIDE feet.  Oh can I also say that I would love to create a shoe line that has girls shoes in other colors other than hot pink.  Thank god the ones I settled for, and the ones that Vivi seemed to feel the best in were Ecco's pair of ankle boots in metallic.  Anyway, I'm thankful we found a pair of kicks for Vivi.  Done.  Oh, maybe I did splurge for a pair of fuzzy Bearpaws too.
  2.  My house.  I'm thankful that while so many people have suffered such devastating losses this year, I am still living in my nice house, with all the comforts I have always enjoyed.  I also quit my job this year, and Mitch is going on sabbatical.  It's going to be tight at the Weathers house, but it is all by choice, and we certainly have not suffered as some have.  We are fortunate.
  3. Health.  Yeah, yeah, this one seems obvious, but I really feel thankful that we are not going through any major health crisis nor did we in the last year.  I have enough on my plate just trying to keep my pain issue under control, and not flared, that I don't want to forget the fact that we are all healthy.  Mitch is healthy, Vivi is thriving, and I am healthy.  It's all I could ask for.
  4. Food.  Mitch has made two of my favorite recipes every week for the past few months.  Salty chicken, and barbecue chicken with green beans.  I love this.  It makes me more than happy.
  5. Our backyard.  I'm thankful we have a beautiful backyard in San Francisco!
  6. Friends.  We've had some amazing times with friends this past year, and it warms my heart just thinking about all of my times with them.  More to come!
  7. Family.  I'm thankful for our families and how much they love Vivi.  There's nothing better than watching your baby be loved!
There are a lot of things to be thankful for beyond this list.  I have a baby that makes my heart ache just thinking about her, a husband I am still madly in love with (after 13 years!), and we're all ok.  It's not a perfect life but it's mine.  I wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving and to those who find the holidays a less than happy time, I've been there, and know how you feel (even if I'm determined to make this year different!).  Just hang on, they'll be over before you know it.

Let's eat some turkey!


Thursday, November 18, 2010

My very own carrot top

We've been having some gorgeous days in San Francisco lately.  This was at the park the other day, overlooking the Bay Bridge, and the bay, and downtown.  We love this park.  When I was a kid I used to HATE the term "carrot top".  I wanted a full head of brown or black or blonde hair.  Anything but red.  Now that I see it on my daughter it has such different meaning for me.  I know she'll go through phases with it, but I really hope she sees it as uniquely hers.  It is gorgeous on her -- and she is beautiful.  Whenever she asks me if I wish I had a different color of hair, I'll be able to answer honestly with, no way!  This thing called parenthood is really interesting sometimes because you don't ever get to be negative with yourself and feel good about it.  You always have a little person who is watching you closely to see if you like your red hair.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Life With Viv: by Mitch

So over at Pacing The Panic Room Ryan, the author of the blog, does a really cool thing where he basically hijacks pictures from his wife's phone to post on the blog.  It's titled Around the House by Cole, or something like that -- GO SEE IT.  His blog is fantastic and his kids are adorable.  I woke up today and thought, "Self?", "You should do that!"... so here you have it.  I'm calling it Life With Viv, by Mitch.  I hope it's ok I'm being a copycat, but I love the idea of posting on here some of the random moments that Mitch has with Vivi when I'm not around.  I think she would absolutely love to see these when she's older.  Let's just hope I remember to keep up with it! 


Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Marley aka The Eighth Dwarf

Even though if she knew I referred to her as one of the dwarfs INSTEAD of Snow White, she'd have my head on a platter.  I'm not kidding.  It's this princess phase she's in, which by the way I can TOTALLY relate to.  At her age, I was some sort of princess for Halloween several years in a row.  Then I was a bride, and not the scary kind.  My poor mom, who usually made my costumes each year.  Anyway, here's the cutest dwarf ever.  Doesn't she look just like a little garden gnome in that hat!  Shhh, don't say anything to her!

Cousins (+Mitch)

Marley, 3+ years.  Vivi, 14 months.  These two kill me when they are together!  We just got to spend a fun few days with Amber and Marley (sister-in-law and niece and one unborn little girl too!).  It's always so bittersweet to have them though, cause we end up knowing what we're missing.  Uncle Mitch was the Mars fave this trip, and I can't say I wasn't jealous..

Monday, November 15, 2010

Little Teether

I had to show my sad little babies teething face.  Hat is Daddy's beanie.  Shirt, Patagonia (Daddy has a matching one).  Pacifier "paci", NEW OBSESSION.  We suddenly have like 10 paci's laying around because Vivi has taken to sleeping with one.  I find it extremely cute.  Of course...

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Visit from Nono

Finally a picture of Mommy and Vivi...great visit with Nono and Nona!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Auntie Andi

One of Vivi's favorite people.  You can see in her face how much she loves her Andilene.  The feeling is mutual I think.  These two get into some crazy shenanigans!

14 Months!

Note to Vivienne:

Dear Vivi,

You're 14 months old!  You're walking and babbling (Daddy is still your favorite word) and throwing new tantrums.  You have strong opinions lately, and are all around irresistible.  Yesterday was quite an eventful day.  We've definitely had better days, you and I.  I'm not sure if it was something in the air or just the fact that we were both "off", but baby, I'm definitely glad it's a new day!  You also got your first major "owie" yesterday, you fell while coming into the bathroom to watch me get ready, hit your face on the side of the toilet, and now have a huge bruise on your cheek.  I felt sick all day seeing your head bounce back like that, and you cried for an hour.  I thought you had busted open your face.  A perfect midday surprise for us Viv!  Then we went to read some books and one of the heavier books that you were trying to so desperately reach for up high, ON YOUR OWN of course, (curse me for trying to help you these days;), fell smack on your face and eyes.  Poor thing!

Here's to a better day Vivi, I love you!


Monday, November 1, 2010

Halloween in Pictures (Part 1)

Tired little Yoda

Needless to say, Halloween was a blast this year!  We went to a block party, with the Oh-Schrobsdorff's, and witnessed A TON of crazy costumes.  Viv's favorite was a giant psychotic looking bunny.  A tall man in a rabbit suit.  Straight from a horror movie.  After lots of haunted houses and mingling with all the neighborhood families, we took our tired little Yoda home with some burritos, and watched the premiere of The Walking Dead.  No better way to wrap up Halloween night than with a new Zombie series.  Modesty aside, I truly think we deserved the family costume award!  We received so many "too funny's" and "great costumes" last night that it made my skeptical husband proud to be wearing his Goodwill choir robe/tight polyester pants!

It was a great night, I hope yours was the same!