Sunday, May 15, 2011


To everyone who wrote in or contacted me personally or on Facebook, about how awful their days, weeks, months can be too.  I really did feel much better the second I hit "Post".  I find such camaraderie on the Internet these days.  In a world where we are all way too busy, and put way too much pressure on ourselves to be perfect, it's nice to connect, even if it's through the impersonal vice of a computer.

So thanks, everyone.  My day is looking up.  Mitch is home and took Vivi for the next few hours AND I slept in.  I'm currently at a coffee shop on my computer which is total bliss.  Seriously.  I feel like a kid at Disneyland for the first time.  First up will be browsing around for more inspiration for my next tattoo, then maybe some blogging, then maybe read the book I brought (Nurture Shock), and then who know...the possibilities are endless!

Hope everyone is also having a nice Sunday, and those who are not, your day is coming!


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